Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mecca vs Madinah

The moment I hugged the lady in black and she hugged me right back, muttering something in Arabic (which I don't understand) & then ending it with a "Muah, Muah" (which made me cry) ... it confirmed a fact I had known since earlier that there will not be another place on earth where I am happiest.

True, Madinah is beautiful .. the mosque, Masjid Nabawi is beautiful, the city cleaner than Mecca ... BUT .. the feeling is unlike in Mecca ... unlike being in Haram, never mind the crowd and the pushing and shoving and squeezing for space, the tranquility as you pray and submit unto Allah swt is beyond any you can express.

Yes, being in Masjidil Haram is unlike being in Masjid Nabawi, except for Raudhah. The spiritual aura of Raudhah has its own speciality and uniqueness; you've got to be there to feel it. Even the queue won't dampened your spirits ... in fact my tears flowed even before I stepped into Raudhah